He has changed his “theories” more times than John Barrowman has swallowed cock.
First it was the end of the World on 1997, then Reptilians, then it was the Moon is a spaceship, then it was the Moon is a mind control device, then it was Saturns Rings doing the mind control.
Then instead of being Reptilians it became “demonic entities outside of visible light”
He gave a talk in 1996 which I attended and he gave some good info about the truth about money and the New World Order Agenda (like it or not, this is happening and is TRUE) but all his other crackpot bullshit is to make money, 25 books in 25 years, £60 a ticket to see him at Wembley, buy his DVD’s, books and sign up to his newsletter then of course he crowd funded lie of The Peoples Voice. over £400,000 officially raised when the target was £100,000 for a years costs, the place shut down within 2 months, and that des not include the private donations made via Paypal/Bitcoin etc
He is like a pied piper (much like Russell Brand) who is hoovering up and confusing people who realise that there is ‘something wrong with the World and the reality we live in’. But that’s a whole other discussion
Icke is a cunt, a deceiver and a fucking money grabbing whore
Nominated by: Cheryl Coles sloppy bucket
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